Town Alupka
, Rosa Luxemburg Street, 36 on the online map
Rosa Luxemburg Street, house 36, town Alupka
, horodskoi okruh Yalta on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
What is nearby:
- Bank
- Henbank
- RNKB #27
- Bar
- Behemot
- Vynnii bar Rezerv
- Cafe
- Hraf
- Kafe Alupka
- Mahnolyya
- Roomi
- Tamer
- Yryna
- Pharmacy
- Vysta
- Restaurant
- discovery
- Karamba
- Shop
- Kassa prodazhy zheleznodorozhnikh byletov
- Kodak
- Roza
- Soyuzpechat