Shypynska Street 12б, Chernivtsi

Map > Chernivtsi Oblast > Chernivtsi > Shypynska Street > 12б

City Chernivtsi , Shypynska Street, 12б on the online map

Shypynska Street, house 12б, city Chernivtsi , Chernivtsi Urban Hromada Chernivtsi Oblast on the online map . Fast and easy search on the online map.

The city of Chernivtsi is the capital of Bukovina

Chernivtsi is considered the capital of the Bukovyna region in southwestern Ukraine.

Tourist-attractive city with magnificent architectural ensembles included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In particular, the residences of the Orthodox Metropolitans of Bukovina and Dalmatia. Now it is the buildings of the city university.

The city is considered quite comfortable to live due to well-developed infrastructure and temperate mild climate.

What is nearby:
  • Shop
  • "Kopiyka" shop