City Donetsk , Illicha Avenue, 14 к12 on the online map

Illicha Avenue, house 14 к12, city Donetsk , Donetsk Oblast on the online map . Fast and easy search on the online map.

What is nearby:
  • Cafe
  • Chaynyi Klub Zolotoy Zhuk
  • Clinic
  • Diahnostychnyi tsentr
  • Khirurhichnyi korpus
  • Laboratoryya
  • Medychnyi tsentr
  • MORH
  • Neirokhirurhichne vid #2 3 4
  • Neirokhirurhichne viddilennya #1
  • Nevrolohycheskoe otdelenye
  • Oblasnyi tsentr ekstrenoyi medychnoyi dopomohy
  • Oftalmolohycheskoe otdelenye
  • Otolorynholohycheskoe otdelenye
  • Polyklynyka DOKTMO
  • Shop
  • Nekropol
  • Tamara