City Ivano-Frankivsk
, Zaliznychna Street, 49 on the online map
Zaliznychna Street, house 49, city Ivano-Frankivsk
, Ivano-Frankivsk Urban Hromada Ivano-Frankivska Oblast on the online map
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Ivano-Frankivsk city
Ivano-Frankivsk. During the time of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Austrian Empire, it was called Stanislav and Stanislaviv.
A sheltered city in the west of Ukraine, which is actively developing and developing. Cultural center of Prykarpattia. From Ivano-Frankivsk it is easy to get to any tourist resort of the Carpathians, of which there are many in the region. It will be attractive for fans of skiing, hiking, mushroom picking, or just enjoy the mountain scenery. All this is a step away from Ivano-Frankivsk.
What is nearby:
- Bank
- Credit Agricole
- Ukrayinska finansova hrupa
- Bar
- SUNlit
- Cafe
- Coffee Day
- Cymes
- Palyanizza
- Pyrizhkovyi filvarok
- Shveik
- Stolovka #1
- Syta lozhka
- Dentist
- Hloriya-Dental
- Oris
- Pharmacy
- 1 Sotsyalnaya apteka
- Adonis
- A-Mark
- apteka 03
- Med-Servis
- Miska simeina apteka
- Vokzalna
- Restaurant
- Grande Pizzeria
- Shop
- 14а
- AvtoKis
- Avto-olimp
- Bdzhilnytstvo
- Bios
- Butterfly
- Colorful Summer
- Dolynyanka
- Drukarka
- Dytyacha khata
- eLka
- Estet
- EuroMix
- Favoryt sport
- Franko tur
- Gardenia
- hazety
- Hohodzy
- Hospodar
- Ihrashky
- IS-Travel
- Jadore
- Karpatska perspektyva
- Khrystyna
- Koliiova
- Komod
- Koral Zakhid
- Lazerkhaus
- LTD Ivano-Frankivskmiskbud
- Mak market
- Manyunya
- masazh
- Metalocherepytsya
- myslyvska kramnytsya
- nasinnya Zhyva
- Nasoloda
- pobutova tekhnika z Yevropy
- Pozhezhna bezpeka
- Pryzma
- Sako
- Sakura
- Schedra khata
- Sensei
- Sotsialnyi mahazyn
- SunnyTour
- Tata-Etalon
- Tur
- Tvoya tsukerochka
- VIP butik
- Vomer
- Vopak
- Vyshyvanochka
- YevroAvto
- zapchastyny dlya avtobusiv
- Zasoby kriplennya
- Zlata
- Zolota rybka