Town Izium
, Haidamatska Street, former name: Haharina Street, , 1Б on the online map
Haidamatska Street, house 1Б, town Izium
, Izium Raion Kharkiv Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
What is nearby:
- Clinic
- Oblasnyi shkirno-venerolohichnyi dyspanser 3
- Pharmacy
- Apteka optovykh tsin
- Dobra apteka
- Partner
- Pharmacy Good Day
- Shop
- Asol
- Blaho
- BudMah
- Eva
- Kamelyya
- Kemel
- Prodovolchi tovary
- Spotыkach
- Wictoriya
- ZhZhUK