Hurzufska street (Okorokova Street) 12, Kharkiv

Map > Kharkiv Oblast > Kharkiv > Hurzufska street > 12

City Kharkiv , Hurzufska street, former name: Okorokova Street, , 12 on the online map

Hurzufska street, house 12, city Kharkiv , Kharkiv Raion Kharkiv Oblast on the online map . Fast and easy search on the online map.

Kharkiv city

Kharkiv is a metropolis in eastern Ukraine. A powerful industrial and educational center and at the same time a clean and cozy city. Kharkiv has a large number of higher education institutions and the largest number of students among other cities in Ukraine.

Real estate in Kharkiv is always in demand not only for their own living, but also for doing business.

What is nearby:
  • Shop
  • Kulynychi