City Kharkiv
, Rymarska Street, 28 on the online map
Rymarska Street, house 28, city Kharkiv
, Kharkiv Raion Kharkiv Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
Kharkiv city
Kharkiv is a metropolis in eastern Ukraine. A powerful industrial and educational center and at the same time a clean and cozy city. Kharkiv has a large number of higher education institutions and the largest number of students among other cities in Ukraine.
Real estate in Kharkiv is always in demand not only for their own living, but also for doing business.
What is nearby:
- Bank
- Alfa-Bank
- Kharkivske oblasne upravlinnya Natsionalnoho banku Ukrayiny
- PrivatBank
- Bar
- Bar Skazhena Panda
- Brakonyer
- Dym
- Moskvich Bar
- Protahonyst
- #ShO
- Sushy-bar SPRUT LEGEND
- VAPE TOWN bar and shop
- Cafe
- Aroma Kava
- Coffeelaktika
- Kalyanna
- Kulya
- La Creperie
- LA Grill
- Lviv Croissants
- Oliva
- Taco Loco
- Ymbyrnii Pryanyk
- Pub
- Schoolpub
- Tsypa
- Restaurant
- Abajour
- Kasha maslom
- Lucky pizza
- Mezhdu prochym
- Rock Pub The WALL
- Shato
- Sushyya
- Tanuky
- School
- Actor School "TЕSTO"
- Snoop School QA
- Shop
- Citrus
- Crazy Beautiful
- DressFit
- Fly Tour
- Grey Goose Travel
- Pyjama
- Sassofono
- Sony authorized service
- Stolychna yuvelirna fabryka
- TopFix
- Valsys
- Vidoktur