City Lutsk
, Pryvokzalna Street, 13а on the online map
Pryvokzalna Street, house 13а, city Lutsk
, Lutsk Raion Volyn Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
What is nearby:
- Bar
- Korchma
- Victoria
- Clinic
- General Practice Ambulances — Family Medicine #4
- Pharmacy
- Apteka optovykh tsin
- Volyn Regional Center emergency medical care and disaster medicine number 2
- Restaurant
- Kurin'
- School
- Invasport
- Volynska oblasna shkola vyschoyi sportyvnoyi maisternosti
- Shop
- Chervonyi market
- Eva
- Nash Krai
- Perukarnya
- Pidkova
- proStor
- Saliut
- Sim23