Map > Sevastopol > Menshykova Street > 1

Menshykova Street 1, Sevastopol

City Sevastopol , Menshykova Street, 1 on the online map

Menshykova Street, house 1, city Sevastopol , on the online map . Fast and easy search on the online map.

What is nearby:
  • Cafe
  • obrihalovka
  • Yakor
  • Clinic
  • Fylyal detskoi polyklynyky #2 1 pedyatrycheskoe otdelenye
  • Kindergarten
  • Detskyi sad #54 ChF RF
  • Pharmacy
  • Meta-Polys
  • Restaurant
  • Krasnii mak
  • Shop
  • Avto Hynekoloh