Town Ternivka
, Dniprovska Street, 5 on the online map
Dniprovska Street, house 5, town Ternivka
, Ternivska miska hromada Dnipropetrovsk Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
What is nearby:
- Bank
- First Ukrainian International Bank
- Oschadbank
- Dentist
- 32
- Stomatolohyya BAS
- Restaurant
- Pitseriya
- Shop
- 220 Volt
- Avrora
- Beautiful women
- Best Techno
- Dniprovskyi
- Dyamant
- Eva
- Fashion
- Kovbasmarket
- Maraffet
- Optyka 1st
- Petrykivka
- Strelka
- Zhenya