City Ternopil
, 15 Kvitnia Street, 7 on the online map
15 Kvitnia Street, house 7, city Ternopil
, Ternopil Urban Hromada Ternopil Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
Ternopil city
Ternopil is a cozy city in the western part of Ukraine, the regional center of Ternopil region.
What is nearby:
- Bank
- PrivatBank
- Tochka vydachi monobank - Universal Bank
- Bar
- Orion
- Cafe
- Avtoport
- Momento
- Pharmacy
- Apteka Dobroho Dnya
- Bam
- Persha Sotsialna
- Podorozhnyk
- Zdorova rodyna
- Restaurant
- BeefandPizza
- Shop
- AraDruk
- ATB-Market
- Atelye keramiky
- Bruk-ton
- Chudo Ostriv
- Chudo Ostriv-mahazyn dytyachykh tovariv
- Domashnii
- Eva
- Glamour
- haidamaky
- Halateya
- Kerama Siti
- Kseroks
- Kvas
- La Belle
- Mahazyn
- Mobilka
- Myska
- My trip
- Optyka-Medtekhnika
- Pelikan
- Polly
- PP Chaikivskyi
- Remont pobuttekhniky
- Royal Flowers
- Rybna hurtovnya
- Serhii
- Shkarpetky
- Shpylka
- Silpo
- Svit malechi
- Vatsak
- Watsons
- Zhasmin
- Оptika 1st