City Ternopil
, Fedkovycha Street, 13 on the online map
Fedkovycha Street, house 13, city Ternopil
, Ternopil Urban Hromada Ternopil Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
Ternopil city
Ternopil is a cozy city in the western part of Ukraine, the regional center of Ternopil region.
What is nearby:
- Bar
- Some nebo
- Viktoriya
- Cafe
- Depo
- Kafe na Shpytalnii
- Obidnya pererva
- Yidalnya Buryachok
- Clinic
- Dennyi statsionar
- Ternopilskii miskyi likuvalno-diahnostychnyi tsentr
- Dentist
- Dobra stomatolohiya
- Dopomoha
- Pryvatna stomatolohichna praktyka rodyny Kruhlytskykh
- Stomatkabinet
- Stomatolohichnyi kabinet „Sofiya“
- Stomatolohichnyi tsentr
- Stomatolohichnyi tsentr „Yutan“
- Stomatolohiya
- Pharmacy
- Aptechnyi punkt
- Apteka # 122
- Apteka na Shpytalnii
- Borys
- Pihulka
- Podorozhnyk
- Restaurant
- Suchi Zoom
- Shop
- 0352comua
- Avtorska studiya
- Ayaks
- Banti
- Bereka
- Bielita Viteks
- Bilyzna
- Centr operatyvnoyi polihrafiyi
- Craft Men
- Creative
- Domofonni systemy
- EA
- Edelveis
- EkoProdukty
- Esmerald
- Eva
- Fin X
- Firmovyi mahazyn Dnipro-M
- Forex
- Habaryt KL
- Hel lak
- Inter
- Intym-butik Polunychka
- KhimMarket
- Kolobok
- Kursy masazhu
- Kylymy
- Londa
- Malena
- Medtekhnika
- MilaVitsa
- Mizhkimnatni dveri
- Optyka „Visus“
- Oriflame
- Ortopedychni matratsy
- Pani Tereza
- Planeta
- Planeta Sekond-Khend
- Print-Ofis
- Produkty
- ProfiArt
- Radio-salon Zaryad
- Remont odyahu
- Rezonans Media
- Salon shtor
- Sekond-khend
- Sim23
- Solo and Sofi
- Solodoschi
- Sybirske zdorovya
- top Star
- Toy Shop "Sun"
- Tyulpan
- Valun
- Vandal Shop
- Vatsak
- Viki-tur
- Vikna dveri
- Vikna Perfekt
- Vse vid 2 hrn
- Vzuttya
- Winner