City Ternopil
, Kyivska Street, 4 on the online map
Kyivska Street, house 4, city Ternopil
, Ternopil Urban Hromada Ternopil Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
Ternopil city
Ternopil is a cozy city in the western part of Ukraine, the regional center of Ternopil region.
What is nearby:
- Cafe
- Rover
- Dentist
- Stomatolohiya Verbitskoho
- Pharmacy
- Podorozhnyk
- Restaurant
- Bakhus
- Dacha
- Shop
- ATB-Market
- Enyky-benyky
- Epitsentr
- Eva
- Flahman
- Hard Day
- Hlyants
- Khlib
- Kvasok
- Largo
- Mebli Bos
- Pobutova khimiya
- Podillya Tyutyun
- Prodlux
- Produkty Lyuks
- Studiya myasa