City Ternopil
, Rodyny Barvinskykh Street, 2 on the online map
Rodyny Barvinskykh Street, house 2, city Ternopil
, Ternopil Urban Hromada Ternopil Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
Ternopil city
Ternopil is a cozy city in the western part of Ukraine, the regional center of Ternopil region.
What is nearby:
- Bank
- Oschadbank
- Ukrgasbank
- Cafe
- Myaso
- Novyi Svit
- Pyalnya
- Clinic
- Oxgord Medical
- Kindergarten
- Dytyachyi sadok #4 „Zatyshok“
- Pub
- Dymok
- Restaurant
- BunkerMuz
- Etnodvir „Kolovorot“
- Flyashka
- Kashtan
- Leliva-persha starotarnopilska restoratsiya
- Oskar
- Shop
- Art Rama
- Avtoelektryk U Pashi
- Bdzhilka
- Beauty & Health
- Bosch Siemens
- DEYa
- Farbovanyi lys
- Guardian
- Halereya vyshyvanok
- Healthy Shop
- InterPlyus
- Kutovyi
- KyyivRe
- Lokus
- Medtekhnika
- Ofismarket
- Pershyi tsentr nerukhomosti
- Print Studio
- Produkty
- ProfLine
- Romantyka 2007
- Suchasni systemy opalennya
- Ternopil Suputnyk LTD
- TOV Rubin
- Travel-Tur
- Ukrayinski futbolky
- Vydavnytstvo „Shkolyaryk“
- Wine Time