City Ternopil
, Ruska Street, 3 on the online map
Ruska Street, house 3, city Ternopil
, Ternopil Urban Hromada Ternopil Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
Ternopil city
Ternopil is a cozy city in the western part of Ukraine, the regional center of Ternopil region.
What is nearby:
- Bank
- Lizynhova kompaniya „Vash avto“
- Bar
- Banderas
- Luxury Home
- Cafe
- Ternopilskyi dvoryk
- Zatyshok
- Dentist
- Denta Vi
- Pryvatna stomatolohichna klinika
- Pryvatna stomatolohiya Rachkevychiv
- Studiya 32
- Shop
- 1st
- Anna-Mariya
- Apple Sound
- Arivederchi
- Bezpeka
- Caito
- Centr operatyvnoyi polihrafiyi
- Centr ortopediyi ta anatomiyi
- Chas Mody
- Creative
- Cristel
- Diva
- Duplet
- Dushka
- Ekran ViknoSvit
- Elektronni systemy
- Fielmann
- Hileya
- Idem
- Imperial
- Imperiya tkanyn
- Kalyna
- Kameliya
- Karamelka
- Karat
- Klaster
- Kompyutery
- Kukhni shafy kupe
- Kutovyi
- KyiAvia
- Ledi G
- Letual
- Makroservis
- Marmulyadka
- Matratsy mebli
- Medtekhnika
- Mega-Mass
- Me Gusta Travel
- Melit
- Mis Kazanova
- Myrotvorets
- My style
- Nad stavom
- Neotek
- New Art
- N-Studio
- Optyka 1st
- Polihlot
- Poyikhaly z namy
- Premyer-Tur
- Produkty
- Shokolad
- Svit shpaler
- Topaz-Tur
- Turystychna ahentsiya Mariyi Drapatoyi
- (u duzhkakh)
- Vandal Vape
- Vikna dveri
- VikoNd
- ViP Kompyutery
- Websvit
- YevroTerm
- Zhalyuzi