City Ternopil
, Vyshnevetskoho Boulevard, 9 on the online map
Vyshnevetskoho Boulevard, house 9, city Ternopil
, Ternopil Urban Hromada Ternopil Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
Ternopil city
Ternopil is a cozy city in the western part of Ukraine, the regional center of Ternopil region.
What is nearby:
- Bank
- PrivatBank
- Bar
- Try Dorohy
- Dentist
- Smail
- Stomatolohichnyi kabinet
- Pharmacy
- Zdorova rodyna
- Shop
- Dytyachyi komisiinyi
- Edelveis
- Existua
- Harderobchyk
- Hospodarskyi
- Kramnytsya
- Lavash
- Mandaryn
- Pozharka
- Produkty
- Schodnya
- Sim23