City Ternopil
, Zamkova Street, 6 on the online map
Zamkova Street, house 6, city Ternopil
, Ternopil Urban Hromada Ternopil Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
Ternopil city
Ternopil is a cozy city in the western part of Ukraine, the regional center of Ternopil region.
What is nearby:
- Bank
- Kredobank
- Kredytna spilka „Ternopil“
- Monobank
- NadraBank
- Oschadbank
- OTP Bank
- UkrSibbank
- VS Bank
- Bar
- Panorama
- Cafe
- Benedetto
- Bomond
- Karma Kava
- Lyapota
- Mocafe
- Morozyvo
- Parma
- Smart coffee
- Star Coffee
- Yasushi
- Dentist
- Dentalna kosmetyka
- Restaurant
- Maidan
- Makitra
- Sushi-Khata
- Ternopil
- Tisto
- School
- Centr dytyachoyi tvorchosti
- Dytyacha khorova shkola „Zorynka“
- Dytyacho-yunatska sportyvna shkola z hreko-rymskoyi borotby
- Inter
- Shop
- 23 sim
- 5 avenue
- Afina
- Alkol tyutyun
- Apriori
- BabaYaga cosmetic
- Cyfra
- Diamant
- Dim knyhy
- Dream Day
- Elektro
- Eva
- Felicita
- Imperiya
- Instytut nihtiv
- Karamelka
- Kashtan
- Khubertus
- KolirPrynt
- Kolyezhanka
- Komisiya u spravakh palomnytstva
- Little me
- Loqmas
- Malovana khata
- Mifrid
- Moloko
- Movni kusy pereklady
- Notarialna kontora
- Orifleim
- Paperivka
- Patriot
- Pidruchnyky i posibnyky
- Pioner
- Polyana
- Praktyk
- Produkty
- Ringo donuts
- Roma M
- Romashka
- Rozetka
- Skif VV
- SofiyaS
- Solodoschi
- Solyarii
- Stylus
- VeAn Tattoo
- Volya
- Yevromarket