City Vinnytsia
, Kosmonavtiv Avenue, 20 on the online map
Kosmonavtiv Avenue, house 20, city Vinnytsia
, Vinnytsia Urban Hromada Vinnytsia Oblast on the online map
. Fast and easy search on the online map.
What is nearby:
- Bank
- Raiffeisen Bank, the outlet "Vyshenka"
- Cafe
- Kraft
- Liguria
- Sharikava
- Clinic
- Vynnytskyi Centr Medytsynskoi Kosmetolohyy Omela
- Dentist
- Dentas
- Premium Clinic
- Stomatolohiya
- Pharmacy
- Provisor
- Vyta-Farm
- Restaurant
- Dr.Goorvin
- School
- Shkola Aist
- Shkola mystetstv Vyshenka
- Shop
- Arina Zak
- AVD-Group
- Bulka
- DAKS market
- Dekoriya
- Delikatesj
- Detroit
- Domashnii market
- Hruzynski tradytsiyi
- Iliya
- Kantstovary
- Kolibri
- Links laboratoriyi
- Lombard
- Malva
- Mebli
- Mizter Zoo
- Nashe Pyvo
- Pampushka
- Paper Paradise
- Produkty
- Propaganda
- Remontik
- Sama lipyla
- Shyk i Blysk
- Solodka Mriya
- Spellscape Hobby Shop
- SV Avto
- Ukrayinochka
- VIP Terytoriya
- Ynternet-mahazyn Deshevsheua
- Yzumrud